Sobre UOLSobre UOL


24/10/2007 - 17h34
Researchers of UOL Bolsa Pesquisa are awarded at SBBD 2007

Fellows of the project UOL Bolsa Pesquisa [Research Fellowship], the researchers of UFAM Klessius Berlt and Professor Dr. Edleno Moura were awarded as Best Paper in the Brazilian Database Symposium (SBBD 2007).

The project entitled "A Hypergraph Model for Computing Page Reputation on Web Collections" has as its aim the development of a new algorithm to compute the reputation (or importance) of web pages. Experiments show that the algorithm presents very superior results to those of Pagerank, a well-known algorithm proposed by Google founders, Larry Page and Sergei Brin.

The algorithms of pages' reputation are the soul of a search tool. It is them that determine which document is more important and should be listed first in each search results.

Researchers André Carvalho, Marco Cristo, Nívio Ziviani, and Thierson Rosa have also participated in the project.

UOL, by means of Bolsa Pesquisa, invests in the creation of solutions for the Internet as a whole. The project intends to motivate the development of cutting-edge technologies and knowledge on the Internet in Brazil.

UOL Bolsa Pesquisa has already contemplated more than 30 projects, originating from universities in several areas of Brazil. More than 60 national and international papers were published in little more than two years as a result of those projects.

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Renata Coltro:
+ 55 11-3017-5311
Marcel Dellabarba: 11-3017-5300, r. 221